is Mrs. Armstrong's
surviving younger sister.
Pierre, your passkey.
VoilĂ , monsieur.
And will you discreetly procure
me a lady's hatbox,
Her Christian name is Helena.
Not Elena. No, no, no.
one of the big, old-fashioned kind,
But Helena.
perhaps from the
Princess Dragomiroff's maid?
And where did she lose
her Christian name's initial H?
Give me five minutes, doctor.
She lost it under a convenient grease
spot in her husband's passport.
Mr. McQueen, I regret
to have kept you waiting,
but there has been much to establish.
And why was the grease
spot purposely applied?
Please be seated. Now,
Mr. McQueen, I should be grateful
for anything you can usefully tell me.
What, for example, is...?
Because she and her
husband were afraid
Let's get just a couple
of things straight first, Mr. Poirot.
that this handkerchief,
bearing the initial H...
Who, for example, are you,
and what is your status here?
...might lead me to suspect her
of complicity in the murder.
Excuse me.
I swear before God and on my
word of honor as a gentleman,
Monsieur Poirot is a detective,
officially delegated to investigate
this case by me.
that this handkerchief
does not belong to my wife.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Not at...
Let us proceed with the matter in
hand. Your relationship with Ratchett?
No. No.
No. No. No.
It does not.
I'm his... I was his secretary.
No. Nor does it belong
to Mrs. Harriet Belinda Hubbard.
- For how long?
- A year, give or take.
- Where did you meet?
- In Persia.
Nor to Fräulein Hildegarde Schmidt,
He was collecting Gorgan pottery
with considerable success.
whose finest quality is her loyalty.
And I was trying to collect oil
concessions, you know,
with so little success
that I went bankrupt,
The initial is wrong.
What is the princess's first name?
and he offered me the job. I took it.
- And since then?
- Well, we've traveled around.
Natalia, mein Herr.
It is a Russian name.
He was hampered
by not knowing any languages.
In the Russian, or Cyrillic, alphabet,
I acted more as his courier
than as his secretary.
their capital N
It was a pleasant enough job.
is written like our capital H.
What part of America
did Ratchett come from?
I don't know.
The fact is, he never talked
about his background.
Madame la Princess,
should this costly handkerchief
cease to remain an exhibit,
- Why, do you think?
- Well, I used to...
it will be returned to your
loyal maid for laundering.
Well, I began to believe
that he had left America
Or is Hildegarde Schmidt
really your maid?
to escape something, you know.
I have, perhaps, a nose for the aura
of fine food and laid a trap.
Or someone. And until a couple
of weeks ago, I think he succeeded.
And then?
Well, he began to get these
anonymous letters,
You are a good cook,
are you not?
All my ladies have said so. I...
threatening letters, like these.
If you are a lady's maid,
"I kill killers."
your ladies never have a chance
of discovering if you are a good cook.
As good a cook as
Hildegarde Schmidt must have been
"Prepare to die."
to the Armstrong household.
- How brief.
- But in a sense, how complicated.
Last night, I noticed you dispatching
a telegram from Belgrade Station.
Who do we now
have here in this car...