That's right.
Let's see, he sent for me
to see the text
right after we left Belgrade.
...that could have known
or could have been involved
And then he went...
Yeah, it was the last I ever saw of him.
with the Armstrong household?
Were there any other
threatening letters?
We have, one, Mr. McQueen,
who became boyishly
devoted to Mrs. Armstrong
Yeah, but none that
I was allowed to read.
He used to... He used to burn them.
at the time of the kidnapping.
That explains...
Two, the Princess Dragomiroff,
who was Mrs. Armstrong's
devoted godmother.
My interest in hatboxes.
Three, the Countess Andrenyi,
who was Mrs. Armstrong's
devoted younger sister.
Four, the Count Andrenyi,
who is Helena's devoted husband
Precisely what I needed.
and Mrs. Armstrong's
devoted brother-in-law.
Five, Hildegarde Schmidt, who was
Mrs. Armstrong's devoted cook.
Five, Hildegarde Schmidt, who was
Mrs. Armstrong's devoted cook.
Doctor, first the wounds.
- You counted a dozen?
- Yes.
Six, Mary Debenham, who was
Mrs. Armstrong's devoted secretary.
Five are deep,
of which three are lethal.
Miss Debenham's inclusion
is pure conjecture.
I did not have to ask Miss Debenham
The rest are shallow.
if she had ever lived in America,
And two...
because during her
interrogation, she said...
...are so slight as to be
mere scratches.
I can always call my lawyers
What does that suggest?
An Englishwoman who had never
lived in America would have said,
That there were two murderers,
a strong man and a weak man?
"I can always make a trunk call
to my solicitors."
Or a weak woman.
Or a strong man stabbing
the victim both strongly
Tout de même, I must thank
the pipe-smoking Colonel Arbuthnott,
and weakly in order to confuse us.
for a remark which finally resolved
all my confusions about this...
At least we know that
by the time of the murder,
Ratchett was too drugged to cry out
or defend himself with this.
This extraordinary case.
I prefer to set aside the fact
that he denied ever having spoken
to Colonel Armstrong in India.
But how did you guess...?
I didn't. He showed it to me
when he offered me $15,000
And yet he remembered
in great detail
to be his bodyguard and I refused.
the decorations which
Colonel Armstrong had won
Ought I to have accepted?
years earlier in France.
I prefer to remember his views
on the British jury system.
Now, let us consider the ashtray.
Trial by 12 good men and true
is a sound system.
Two different matches.
The iron tongue of midnight
A smoked cigar.
- A pipe cleaner...
- And this.
hath told 12.
- The initial H.
- That should not be hard to identify.
...the number 12 began to ring
in my head like a great bell.
I wonder, Christian name or surname?