Murder on the Orient Express

I was born backwards.
That is why I work in Africa
as missionary,

teaching little brown babies
more backwards than myself.

You coined words like "bed gown",
and yet you understand
words like "emolument".

Excellent, Pierre. And could you
summon the passengers to me here?

I truly believe you did look after
little brown babies at your mission

One by one in this order except
for the Princess Dragomiroff,

in Shimoga, which is in India,
by the way, you know.

who is not only of royal blood, but also
much older than she tries not to look.

It's not Africa.
But I believe you
were covering up

And, Pierre, since you are here
already, we can conveniently start

for once, years earlier,
when you were in America,

having looked after a little
white baby called Daisy...

by questioning you.
...whose death, though you
could do nothing to prevent it,

Your full name is Pierre Paul Michel.
so preyed on your mind that you
sought refuge in a vision of Jesus.

- Correct, monsieur.
- Two male saints' names.

And your future as a missionary,
looking after little brown babies,
was sealed.

You must be greatly blessed.
I've had my share
of good fortune, monsieur.

You. You were lucky
So... And of bad.
I note the cancellation

only to be bound and gagged,
not crushed like the manservant.
of your wife's photograph
nearly five years ago.

- Mr. Beddoes.
- Sir.

You served with the
British army in Scotland.

- She is deceased.
- She died, monsieur.

Colonel Armstrong
was in the Royal Scots.

Of grief at the death
of our only daughter.

Would you kindly give Dr. Constantine
your deepest butler's bow?

From scarlet fever.
Yes, there is an old contusion.
The result of a slight fracas
in the mess, sir,

I am truly sorry.
with regard to the quality of a pudding
known as spotted dick.

Thank you, but I think
you've been spotted too.

Let us talk of less
distressing matters.

On the night of the murder,
after we left Belgrade,

Mr. Foscarelli is very knowledgeable
about automobiles.

who were the last passengers
to retire to their compartment?

I suspected that perhaps he had
once been Armstrong's chauffeur.

Show me on the diagram.
About 1:30, I remember seeing
the English colonel say good night

I asked if he had ever
been in private service.

to Mr. McQueen outside
number three and four.

I think Mr. Foscarelli's
appalling English is more genuine

I saw him walk back into his
compartment, number 15,

than Miss Ohlsson's,
but I think he meant yes.

- Think, monsieur?
- Think, think. Yes, think!

which he did not leave.
What else can be done on a train
isolated by a snowdrift?

And after that,
did no one reemerge?

If all these people are not
implicated in the crime,

No, but there was one lady
who opened a door,

then why have they all told me,
under interrogation,

I don't know which, and walked
stupid and often unnecessary lies?
Why? Why? Why? Why?
in the direction of the toilet
Doubtless, Monsieur Poirot,
because they did not expect you

at the far end of the corridor,
next to the dining car.

to be on the train. They had no
time to concert their cover story.

- Did you see her return?
- No, monsieur.

It is possible
I was answering a bell.

I was hoping someone
other than myself would say that.
