Phantom of the Paradise

This cantata is 200 or 300 pages,
and I haven't finished yet.

Forget the sonata.
We just want the songs.

-lt's not just songs. It's much more.
-I don't get you.

It's a whole series of songs
that tell a story of Faust.

-Who? What label's he on?
-He was a legendary German magician.

He sold his soul to the devil
for worldly power.

What is this, kid? School time?
A song is a song.
You either dig it, or you don't.

Now, I like your stuff, kid.
It's terrific. And you know what?

I think the Juicy Fruits will dig it.
I'm not promising anything. First...
I won't let my music be mutilated
by those greaseballs!

-Only I can sing Faust!
-lt was just an idea.

Swan makes all these decisions,
you know?

I'm sorry. It's just that
I worked so hard on this thing.

-lt's okay. You sure got a temper.
-I'm sorry.

-I don't know what comes over me.
-Just relax. Take it easy.

Give me the music. Swan will take
a look and get right back to you.

But if you ask me, I think
we're gonna produce your first album.

-Hello. I'm Winslow Leach.

Mr. Philbin said Mr. Swan would call
about producing my record.

He said he'd get back to me.
That was a month ago.
