- Religion?
- Lucia?
Yes, I'm coming.
Did you expect me?
Of course.
- Would you have the same room?
You seem strange.
Are you worried about Thursday?
If you're worried, you're foolish.
Your case is easy.
After all, there are no witnesses
to testify against you.
You should be pleased. At the moment,
we're only thinking about you.
The professor says
you're a special case.
-He should be here shortly. Show him up.
-Of course.
- Name, date of birth.
- Emanuel Strauss.
-Address? Religion?
- Name?
- Hansard, Wilhelm.
- Date of birth?
-Seventh of March, 1920.
- Address?
- Religion?
- Lutheran.
- Name?
- Klein, Paul.
- Date of birth?
- March 4, 1918.