Profumo di donna

Don’t tell stories!
I feel so useless.
I would like to be
a simple priest in the countryside…

in contact with
true human miseries.

A heap of bullshit!
Thirty seconds to answer:

Do hell, the devil… exist?
No, no, answer!
Does the Devil exist?

Yes, the Devil exists.
Because evil exists.

No, I speak about the beyond.
Stop, Fausto.
Let’s not speak about that.
Tell me rather…
why you are in Rome.
To see you.
I need your blessing.
Don’t joke.
I’m not joking.
You are already forgiven, Fausto.
Therefore I envy you.
I always envied you, you know.
You will say that I blaspheme,
but I think…

that you’re lucky.
Because your suffering
always accompanied you.

It stimulates you,
releases you, redeems you.

You are saved and I envy you.
What am I saying?
I often thought of it, these years.
It seems to me
that your cross could be…

your reason for living, your salvation.
I envy the insane, the sick,
innocent children.
Only they can see
better than me.

Is it good fortune to be blind?
but not for your reasons.

It is good fortune,
because blind men…

can’t see things,
they imagine them.

As for me, I don’t imagine anything,
I don’t remember anything.
