My ancestors defeated the Arabs...
3000 acres of olive trees,
Mine, by blood-right!
And so I raised my hand...
The Guardia Civil
were ordered to fire
The peasants
were shot down point-blank
In Spain... we have a long history
of knowing how to die
Why won't you ever see me alone?
Afraid you'll weaken?
No, I'm not afraid of that,
my dear Juan
I'm not virtuous
and I don't consider marriage sacred
But I belong to a man
I am his
He alone can release me
from my vows
And that's the only thing
I'm afraid of...
That he might do it!
Can we stage Deux sous de fleurs
Use the decors from Katinka,
for example...
The public wants new things...
everything new!
Gaston's right!
With a Depression on...
people want to see extravaganzas!
They want to see all
the things they haven't got
"Life can be beautiful..."
And life can be beautiful!
Right, Alex?