Say it's a gossip item...
just for openers
See how he reacts
to a direct contact
La Bonne Guerre
doesn't worry me, Doc
I can handle scandal sheets
But lnspector Bonny is behind it
He filed reports on me
May 23rd, June 17th...
and July 1st! That's this month...
You're well-informed
I pay enough...
The Police Fund is
an expensive mistress!
Grammont, attack the root
of the problem...
And the root is the Laforcade file
Get it over with, lawyer!
It's dragged on for seven years
It's been postponed 12 times... fine!
Now get the case dismissed
and the civil suit withdrawn
Try the statute of limitations
We know judges and Ministers...
find a solution!
I've talked to VĂ©ricourt,
we have a plan
We'll settle
the civil suit out of court
I can do it with two million...
But I have to ask some questions...
Ask Dr Mezy!
That's why I had him come today
I've forgotten
I've decided to forget!
I am Serge Alexandre,
financier and impresario
Newspaper and stable owner
Soon I'll head C.A.G.T.R.I.,
an international trust...
Quoted shares worth 500 million,
So why ask me about
that poor jerk out on bail?
That small-time con man...
Don't mention him to me again!
Get him out of my life, Grammont!
Oh, he's perfectly sincere
It's a typical case
of a split personality
The person that he was...
is someone else!
A phantom that he despises...
and fears
Well, the arrest at Marly
in July 1926 is no dream