"Henriet, Garcia, Serge Alexandre"
"Alexandre is Stovosky
of the phony Hungarian bond issue"
Excuse the misspelling
Typographers are hopeless
about foreign names
That's enough!
Casino gossip leaves me cold!
I'm covered there...
Ask your friends on the Vice Squad
And the rest is a lie!
Send him the documentation
on the Hungarian bonds
And the study made
by Judge Vannier...
on behalf of the government
No, your gossip column
doesn't interest me!
But your little publication does...
I have a new company, S.A.P.E.P.
My friend Borelli is in charge
The idea is to group
certain publications...
around a central
advertising organization
I've already signed up
Cyrano and Le Cri du Jour...
and I'm negotiating
with Le Charivari and D'Artagnan
And La Bonne Guerre?
I'm at war with La Bonne Guerre!
Your project interests me, of course
Borelli will give you the details
Give him something on account!
"Ours will be
a love without any story"
"No one else will understand"
"And if a playwright
were to decide..."
"to write about our love,
the critics would say..."
"it's not a play! Nothing happens..."
Miss Erna Wolfgang, please