
After conquering Europe
for Napoleon...

my family went on to conquer
a financial empire

I dissipated those ill-gotten gains
in one long celebration!

Of course, it took me 40 years
to do it

I envy you
I have to invent
the money I squander

I had nothing
Bank is 10,000 francs, gentlemen...
9 to the bank... Baccarat!
It's time to leave Biarritz
How's your coup d'état
coming along, Montalvo?.

Will Mussolini sell you the arms?
Don't worry, I'm silent as a tomb!
Who told you?
No one... You went to ltaly
so I guessed why

You're very quick
Such a huge financial manipulation
requires discretion

Funds safely blocked while
you negotiate...

I happen to have a Swiss company...
and Swiss bank accounts
What a timely offer!
I've been trying to solve
that problem...
