Everything all right? No trouble?
Don't you ever get any mail?.
How?. To Mr Leon Trotsky,
c/o General Delivery...
St Palais sur Mer? Very discreet!
But Mr Trotsky has many visitors...
English and Belgian politicians...
German refugees, extreme leftists
who else would come here?
I mean they're active leftists
I'm sure you know...
that a condition accepted
by Mr Trotsky...
when he was granted asylum...
was that he not get involved
in French politics
German refugees deal
with German politics
Yes, but they're doing it in France
They need a German secretary
for a few days
I mentioned you... You'll get it
I'll take you there later
Do you go to the villa often?
What's it like?
Have you read Dostoyevsky?.
It's just like a Dostoyevsky novel!
Trotsky and Natalia...
Iead an austere, rich,
fascinating life!
And Malraux came for a visit
I wish I could have been there!
According to Rudolph...
they only discussed art,
movies, Poland...
the Red Army and Christianity!
Will Trotsky succeed?.
Can he influence the Party?.
That's the question...
All his activity is aimed
at the Party
To influence the Party,
transform it...
restructure it
Trotsky claims that
Stalin has betrayed the Revolution