These are the assignment desks. One
for each of the lines: the BMT, the IRT,
the IND.
There's our artist in residence.
And right through here is our operations
lieutenant, Mr Rico Patrone,
who, on weekends, works for the Mafia.
Rico, I'd like you to meet some
good friends of the chairman.
- Hiya.
- Very good friends, Rico.
Rico, these are the directors
of the Tokyo subway.
Tell us about some of the excitin' things
that have happened in the New York City
Subway System lately, Rico.
Well, we had a bomb scare
in the Bronx yesterday.
But it turned out to be a cantaloupe.
I'm busy, Zach, OK?
In the course of a normal week,
the average TA policeman deals with
such crimes as robbery, assault,
murder, drunkenness,
illness, vandalism,
abusiveness, sexual molestation,
- What's your name, motorman?
- Denny Doyle, sir.
- Ever been written up?
- Once.
- What for?
- Runnin' a red signal. How about you?
Twice. Once on the Canarsie...
That's right, Mr Green. Tell Mr Doyle
all about yourself, will you?
OK. Stop it about here.
I'm takin' your brake handle
and the reverse key, Denny.
I want your cuttin' key also.
That's it.
You'll hear from Command Centre
in a minute or two.
You will ignore the call.
Is that clear, Mr Doyle?