The mayor's agreed to pay.
Pass it on to the hijackers right away.
Will do, sir.
Pelham One Two Three.
Come in, Pelham One Two Three.
This is Pelham One Two Three.
I read you.
We agree to pay the ransom.
Repeat, we agree to pay...
What? They're gonna do what?
Do you read me, Pelham One Two Three?
- Zach, you're outta your skull.
- I read you, Garber.
Take down my next instructions,
to be followed to the letter.
The money's to be paid
in the following denominations.
500,000 dollars in fifties.
500,000 dollars in hundreds. Right?
500,000 in fifties. 500,000 in hundreds.
Which will be put
in stacks of 200 bills each,
bound with two thick elastic bands.
Two stacks of bills, bound in what?
Bound with thick elastic bands.
All of the bills will be old bills,
their serial numbers to be random.
Now that's all. When the delivery arrives
we'll contact you with further instructions.
- About what? Your getaway?
- Signing off now.
Son of a bitch!
Hey, Pelham. It might interest you to
know I figured out how you're gonna do it.
Yes, it would interest me very much.
You're gonna make everyone
in New York City
close their eyes and count
to a hundred, right?
It is now 2.47. That means
you have got 26 minutes...
Hey, wait a minute, pal. We agreed
to pay the money. Turn your clock off!
- 26 minutes.
- Your instructions were complicated.
The money has to be counted,
stacked, transported.
It just isn't physically possible.
You'd be surprised
what's physically possible.
The clock's running.
26 minutes. After that,
we scratch 'em off one per minute.