Stand back, please!
Everybody, back of the ropes!
Stand back, please.
Everybody, back of the ropes!
7:30 sharp.
I hope you like your men prompt.
At my age?
I only care that they show up at all.
Be a good girl, Elke.
I left you some milk in the kitchen.
See you later.
Did you find Simmons?
Yeah, I found him.
Did he or didn't he change your specs?
He didn't admit it,
but I bet you he did.
Payoffs and kickbacks.
The only way he could've swung it.
Here you are. . .
. . .your original specs.
Zone one only, but
we gotta start somewhere.
That son of a bitch
gave us an impossible job.
-Hello, Dan.
Good evening.
-How are you, dear?
-Congratulations. It's magnificent.
Thank you.
I'll meet you out front.
-I'd like to talk to Susan.
Find me the architect
who designed you. . .
. . .and who needs Doug Roberts?
I do.