Toute une vie

with rich men's justice.
You may be eloquent
but you are late.

Do not punish poverty.
Poverty is its own
worst punishment.

Do not punish youth.
This youth...
this youth, which...
which your bourgeois poets
have called,
"The best years of our lives."

But for this 20-year-old
here before you,

what does that pretty
phrase mean?

What does the word
"youth" mean to him?

He has had no youth.
His 20-year existence
can be quickly summarized:

Parents unknown, which put him
in an orphanage for 14 years.

Then, four years
in a reform school.

Reform school!
And do I know about that!

And two years in Algeria.
Two years in Algeria!
Your Honor,
you can't put him back in jail.

- Two years in Algeria.
- Don't bring up Algeria.

Why? Because
he deserted, you'll say.

- Here, drink some...
- I don't have time.

You tell me he betrayed
his country.

But I ask you,
I ask you, which country?
Do you mean the territory
stolen from the Algerians...

You need a haircut.
...and which we call,
with beautiful hypocrisy...

French Algeria!
Must you insist?
It may hurt his case...

Yes, I must insist,

Right now, in 1961,
at a time when Ben Barka
is assassinated.

Remember mother
is coming to dinner...

Yes, I remember.
Now, where was I?

At a time when
the Secret Army Organization

unmasks the true face
of this colonial war, right?

A Frenchman's sole duty...
- listen to me!
- Hurry up.
