Been training him long?
Ever since I came
to these superb kitchens.
One chicken-and-fries day,
I saved his life.
We've been inseparable
ever since. Right, Julien?
So you saved his life
on a chicken-and-fries day?
You always put
three sugar cubes in your coffee?
Always. Why?
If you meet a girl
who puts three cubes in her coffee,
marry her!
She's your soulmate.
Clear the table!
- I don't like China.
- Hong Kong isn't China.
- It's China's brothel!
- Then let's go to China.
Why not to the moon?
Some day that may be easier
than getting to Peking.
You think men
are that selfish?
That's why capitalism works.
Because it's a selfish invention.
So, if I meet a woman who puts
three sugar cubes in her coffee,
you swear
she'll be my soulmate?
That's really disgusting!
At least you'll have
one thing in common.
Mao will be the greatest
dictatorship in history...
one man ruling
700 million people.
This damn tour
bugs me enough,
but having to listen
to your reactionary ideas...
Why reactionary?
700 million Chinese,
all Maoists!
- Isn't it a dictatorship?
- Reactionary and fascist!
You're a dirty Jew!
Come on, tell me
why you're here.
For bottling cheap Beaujolais
as vintage Bordeaux.
- Get it?
- In mass quantity? !
I remember it very well.
One night you told
some friends,
"I'm sure the Chinese
are happy."
No! What I said was,
"Mao's triumph
is that he's convinced
700 millions Chinese
that they're happy."
You missed the nuance.
But I am sure that one man
in China is happy. Mao!
The man I love isn't Chinese.
I know, he's a singer.
Mass at 8:00.
- Do you believe in God?
- Yes.