were found out
after Stalin's death.
And Mao is the last
of the Stalinists.
Writers aren't censored
or jailed in China.
There's only one writer
and one book in China!
Pierre Lazareff,
Pierre Desgraupes,
Pierre Dumayet
and Igor Barrère,
bring you
"Top Five Headlines."
Today, South Vietnam.
One New Year's wish
must be universal...
peace in Vietnam
in 1966.
For Americans, there is more
than one Vietnam,
since Saigon is also
in Los Angeles,
Santo Domingo and Berkeley.
Once the Pentagon's foes
were only Orientals,
now they are Black,
Marxist, academic.
Che Guevara's prophecy
has come true...
"Vietnam crippled America."
May the year 1966
see an escalation
of peace efforts.
May the tears
and bloodshed end.
Let's make a wish.
Listen, Charles.
We get out tomorrow.
Let's make this the last night
we ever spend in prison.
You make about as much sense
as what I'm reading.
Damn it,
there must be another way.
Let's do something else.
"Scene 1:
The set is a record store
on a boulevard.