After a strenuous effort...
During a strenuous effort...
Before a strenuous effort...
Emphasize "Ricard,"
not "effort."
Less effort and more Ricard.
How many sugar cubes
do you put in your coffee?
- Two.
- Thank God!
Are we on schedule?
- Commercials stink.
- What do you mean?
I liked making pornos better.
- At least we were selling dreams.
- Dreams that landed us in jail.
Move a little to the left, please.
Now that's nice.
Take a look.
See how nice it is.
- What do you see?
- A bottle of Ricard.
- Know what's in this camera?
- Film.
There is life and love and death
in this camera,
and with that
we can make lots of money.
Okay, put life and love
and death into the Ricard.
- Okay, fine.
- Let's do it.
Miss, we are selling Ricard
and not effort, okay?
Let's stop being opportunists
and become adventurers.