Toute une vie

I militate therefore I am.
What does a rich kid
know about unions?

A man should have
a man's ideas,

- not political ideas.
- And what are a man's ideas?

A man's ideas...
should always lead
to friendship, love, action.

Political ideas always lead
to lies and money.

Money means nothing to me.
But those who support you
think you can bring them some.

Your money blinds
you to honesty.

"It cost money to be honest.
It's a luxury..." to quote my father.

- Spoiled rotten by money?
- Yes, it's true.

At least I know money
can't buy happiness.

Your friends still think it can.
My "friends"
only want one thing...

less inequality
and more generosity.

Be honest! You don't
believe in generosity.

Not in mine, naturally.
Who would give away a factory?

But you don't believe
in your own either.

I ease my conscience,
while you pursue class-consciousness,

which is the same thing.
You're a leftist
because you're unhappy.

The day you are happy,
you'll be a rightist.

The middle class
can be leftist or rightist,

but common people can't.
They are and will always
be just people.

I like that. I mean it!
I'm just as lost as you are.
We're fighting the same system...
you from the outside,
me from the inside.

I'm squandering
my father's fortune

and you're sacrificing
your life for a union.

We try to make everybody happy
because we can't make
somebody happy.

Neither of us can.
- Sam, the check, please.
- No, I'll get it.
