Toute une vie

Sometimes when he's upset,
he goes to the beach.

Let's go look for him.
Where? France has
2,000 miles of coastline.

Yes, Deauville.

It's not that far.
Listen, I've been thinking
about the film.

I'm changing the whole ending.
It's going to be
a beautiful love story.

Come up here on Monday,
with the whole crew.

And find me a dog.
Yes, a dog...
who can run, and
who's not afraid of water.

Yes! A dog for a beautiful
love story. I'll explain.

Send her my love.
- He said he sends you his love.
- Where is he?

A dog who can run
and who likes water...

- He's lost his mind.
- Where is he?

- He's wacko.
- Where is he?

In Deauville!
All wacko over there.

That day, Armstrong,
Aldrin and Collins

were ready for another
trip into space.

This time, two men would
set foot on the moon.

"Scene 77: exterior night:
a fishing boat in Deauville.

The camera pans a slow 360°,
superimposed on Armstrong
setting foot on the moon.

Just then, as the pan ends,
another phenomenon occurs.

Jean and Françoise
finally meet.

They look at each other
and smile.

They know this is fate.
It took generations
to prepare this moment."

That's it!
One must go back in time
to tell the love story

between a man and a woman,
otherwise it says nothing.
