I heard about you, Turner.
From what they told me about you,
I expected a two-ton gorilla.
- But you're just another nigger.
- Why don't you shut up?
Why, you shuffle-footed overgrown coon!
Open your mouth one more time and I'm
gonna kick your teeth down your throat.
You're a big man while
I've got these cuffs on, ain't you?
Come on, that's enough!
Ain't you beat him enough?
Damn, Truck.
Did you have to beat him so bad?
He had it comin'.
Run it down. What's goin' on here, King?
- How much you get for a rogue like that?
- $50 each and expenses.
- Get one every day for a year and...
- We wouldn't be lollygaggin' with you.
Fix me up with a pass to see Annie.
- Who?
- You know, my big doll!
Sarge, Jesse James is here.
No, Turner. Truck.
Yeah. Just a minute.
He says you got two minutes,
and leave that cannon here.
Hey, man, you tell him
this ain't no cannon. Dig it?
Hey, look at him!
He can't wait to get some.
Say, man. Where's that
old grouchy broad of yours?
Man, that's my wife.
(woman) Oh, my God!
(excited chatter)
Hey, fine black thing.