Truck Turner

- Streets are clear. Come on, hit it.
- You ain't ready.

I don't believe it'd do nothing anyway.
This can't outperform a truck.

- Are you ready?
- Are you ready?

Hold on, Truck, cos we movin'! We go!
Yeah, yeah!
- What d'you mean?
- (police siren)

- Look what you got me into now, nigger.
- It's your car, not mine.

Good day, Officer.
- This your car?
- The finance company lets me drive it.

- You see that stop sign?
- It was covered by the trees.

- Let me see your licence.
- But, blood...

Damn, this a ugly picture.
- What you laughing at?
- Nothing, Officer.

Laugh this ticket off.
You got a nice rod
but you should drive more carefully.

(clerk) I'm sorry, Fogarty.
His bond went forfeit over 24 hours ago.

(Fogarty) Let me have one more day.
- I'm sorry.
- You don't realise what this'll do to me.

- Choose your clients more carefully.
- Where the hell am l...

(taps pencil)
Mr Davidson, will you please stop
interrupting this court?

I'm sorry, Your Honour.
Hi, Turner, Jerry. Glad to see you.
I got a real easy one here for you.
Guy's name is Richard Leroy Johnson.
Also known as Gator.

His last known address is a vacant lot.
Bail is $30,000. He jumped it yesterday.
