Truck Turner

Oh, check out that big piece
of chocolate cake!

(whistling and whooping)
Control yourselves!
- You Dorinda?
- Who wants to know?

Since I'm asking, it must be me.
- (laughter)
- Shut up!

You don't look like cops
but you smell like trouble.

Trouble? Me? lf I was, I wouldn't
stand a chance with you, momma.

Tell me somethin'.
Is all that as good as it looks?
What you see ain't all you get, baby.
- This ain't Sears, Roebuck, nigger.
- (laughter)

Where's Gator? I said where's Gator?
- Gator who?
- I owe him some bread.

You give it to me,
and if I see him I'll give it to him.

That's enough. Total up my bill
and let Frenchie pay for it.

- Sign the bill.
- Yes, momma.

- I told you, Gator ain't here.
- Where is he?

He's in Alaska, huntin' polar bear.
I told you I gotta talk to this nigger.
I'll tell him I saw you,
so just take that money

and shove it up your ass,
you bounty-huntin' son of a bitch.

- Wait a minute.
- You wait a minute.

I hope you do run into Gator
so he can cut your goddamn throat.

- You didn't get shit.
- Just follow the bouncing ball, nigger.
