Very good.
Now you're beginning to show yourself.
Final votes.
For, 9;
Against, 586; undecided, 86.
Sentence. George Saden
will be aged five years.
Welcome to paradise.
Penile erection was one of the many unsolved
evolutionary mysteries surrounding sexuality.
Every society had an elaborate subculture
devoted to erotic stimulation.
But nobody could
quite determine how this
becomes this.
Of course, we all know the physical process involved,
but not the link between
stimulus and response.
There seems to be a correlation
with violence, with fear.
Many hanged men died with an erection.
You are all more or less aware of our
intensive researches into this subject.
Sexuality declined probably because
we no longer needed to procreate.
Eternals soon discovered that
erection was impossible to achieve.
And we are no longer victims
of this violent, convulsive act...
which so debased women and betrayed men.
This Brutal, like other primates living
unselfconscious lives,
is capable of spontaneous
and reflexive erection.
As part of May's studies of this creature,
we're trying to find, once again, the link
between erotic stimulation and erection.
This experiment will measure autoerotic
stimulation of the cortex, leading to erection.