Ain't that a shame.
Hell, they didn't have to cut her.
She could have been used three or more times.
Dog: Ah, war is hell.
All right. Run it again.
Dog: [laughing] Youre so funny when you are sexually frustrated.
And I'm funny enough to kick you upside the butt!
I said find and I ain't kidding.
Dog: One does not said ain't, Albert, simply say I'm not kidding.
Fine, dog meat. And stop calling me Albert.
Dog: Ah, and you would stone a poor defenseless animal, wouldn't you.
Dog: Yes, I can tell that would.
Dog: I could tell by your short breath
Dog: And your disgusting aggressive behavior that you would.
Dog: And, humph.
Dog: that's because you're not a nice person, Albert
Dog: you're not a nice person at all.
Dog: Do I gawk at you when you're working?
Dog: I'll locate a female if there is one.
Dog: You go look for food.
[yelling in distance]woohoo, yeah, sonofabitch