Oh hell all you're good for is finding hard, stingy
scum bags, that are just liable to cut off my Goddamn....
Dog: No food, no females.
Okay you just sit there on your
flabby butt while I do all the god damn work.
I'll tell you one goddamn thing, you better
do some tracking; it's been six weeks since I
been laid and it sure as hell ain't been
that long since you ate. (dog hums in background]
By god it damn well may be if you
don't start producing. [dog keeps humming]
Leroy's here.
Heave, heave, pull, pull on that line!
Pull on it! Pull....
Get out of there, hey you junkies, get that dirt out of there.
Must be something special. You got the whole bunch.
You get up and get in that hole. Get up!
You get yourself up or you ain't never gonna get up!
How'd he know there'd be a house here...he' smart, that's how.
Wonder why they hang around him?
Dog: Hmmm, probably just charisma.
Hey there...
You dig.