A Boy and His Dog

Just Vic.
Then what are your mother and father's names?
Boy are you a dumb broad.
I told you to stop looking at me like that
or I'll bust your teeth out.
Now get that stuff off.
What's your name?
Quilla June Holmes.
That's a weird name.
It's not. My mother says it's not that unusual back in Oklahoma.
That where your folks come from?
Before the war.
They must be pretty old by now.
They are, but they're okay I guess.
Hmm, this one's better....Now what?
Dog: Rover pack. 23 strong. They got the building surrounded.
Great, some other mutt must have smelled her in the theater.
Who are you talking too?
The dog?
Dog: Give them the girl.
Dig in and stand them off.
Dog: They don't know about us.
Just give them the girl and let's get out of here.
We stay. Now you got any helpful suggestions?
Dog: Yeah, pull up your pants, Romeo.
Dog: Now will you listen to reason?
Dog: There's too many of them. You're going to get us shot up.
Dog: Damn fool.
Dog: There's only one way out of here. Boxed in, that's no good.
