Dog: out there in the big room...what...Quilla: Hello dog, hello...
Dog: Oh Jesus, they'll probably come down the ladder...Quilla:
What's a matter, don't you talk to strangers? Dog: Shut up will you!
Dog: I can see it.
Dog: It's going to be a great help,
now if we..Quilla: Do you understand me?
Dog: One down, take his heat that will get him...Quilla: What's the...
[dog growls] Shut up!
[indistinct sounds outside]
Dog: Lovely odds we're up against, aren't they?
Right. Let's set up for them.
Dog: And I'm right about the simpering female.
I get that, now how do you figure the fight?
[rovers talking about screamers, coming closer]
[screams]Over there!
Hey ....