Dog: Ugh, breeding is an ugly thing.
..long enough for the final misses to leave their silos on both sides
Let's see that was in 2006
Dog: 2007
Uhh...2007. It only lasted 5 days.
You're awfully smart to know all that history..
Well Blood helps...a little.
Dog: Humph.
Haven't you ever been down under?
It's very nice.
I heard how nice.
From a solo who raided one.
[sign] Well it's very nice, and you'd like it.
That's very crude.
I'm very crude.
Not all the time.
Listen, ass, I grabbed you and brung you down here.
So what's so good about me?
I didn't mind. I liked it.
You want to do it again?
Well I've never seen no chick like you before.
Hey, I'm the one who's supposed to wanna....do it.
Dog: Once more into the breech dear friend.
[sounds of pleasure, squeaking mattress]
Dog: Copula something that connects,
copulate from the Latin copulatus doing...
[whispers] Honey, it's good to just watch you.
Your waist falls in.
your hips out, they fit right in my hands.
Just want to talk.