Cooley High

Now you all have
a copy of the school code...

and I'd like for you
to read it with me.

Would you share those with him?
I gave too many to your row.

- Just pass it.
- Are you all with me?

- Yes.
- We will all read the code together.

The Cooley High School Code.
Cooley students are conscious
of developing good character.

We are good sports.
We are good losers
as well as good winners.

We do have respect
for our school...

and will do nothing that will
reflect on Cooley's good name.

At social functions
we do follow all rules...

and listen to
the people in charge.

We honor and respect
our parents, teachers...

and others who are responsible
for our guidance.

- We are honest.
- Wake up.

We are punctual and meet
every obligation promptly.

We hand in our homework
and class work on time. ú

- We're gonna get outta here.
- Are you with me?

- Yes.
- Cooley students respect property.

We do not destroy...
school facilities
or school grounds.

We do not enter
public transportation illegally.

Cooley students are aware
of personal appearance.

We wear clean, neat clothes.
We keep our bodies clean.
We avoid excessive ornamentation. ú
