Cooley High

Willie, dig the little
fat one up there.

That one right there.
Look like Johnny Mae.

I think she's got
a new boyfriend too.

Dig Beverly
in the corner back there.

That look just like Beverly.
- Looks more like you, Pooter.
- More like Pooter's mama.

- You better be glad I ain't sensitive.
- Dig him.

That's right, man,
we glad you ain't sensitive.

If you was sensitive, you wouldn't like
me feedin' this to your daddy there.

Be quiet.
- Hey, monkey.
- Here you go, monkey.

Wow, man!
Hey, man, dig.
He's just like Pooter's daddy.

You ain't supposed to feed them.
It's bad for the appetite.

Shut up, man. Take this,
you big, black, ugly gorilla!

Hey, man, what's wrong with you?
Don't be talkin' to
no gorilla like that.

- Shut up.
- Hey, Mr. Gorilla.

Forgive these humans. They don't know
how to act in front of no gorilla.

- I think he's crazy.
- You hear that?

I don't believe it.
You're crazy.

See? You be nice to him
and he'll be nice to you.

Look out, man!
Pooter got hit with gorilla shit!
Damn, man, you sure do stink.
He smell better now
than he ever did.

We can't go home.
They'll know we cut class.

We gotta sneak back in school
before next period.

I gotta get cleaned up.
