Cooley High

Yeah, okay.
Come on, y'all.

Hey, baby.
Dig, man. This chick you're
goin' to see, she is out of sight.

I mean, she is bad.
But she one of them thieves, man.

So to keep you from bein' robbed, 'cause
I don't want no unhappy customers...

be a wise thing for you to put
your money in this envelope and seal it.

I'll just hold it for you
until you're finished.

- Thief, huh?
- I can't stop her, man.

- But she's clean, right?
- All my girls are.

Listen. You go up there
and you ask for Louise, okay?

It's on the top floor,
all the way in the back.

- Knock on the last door on your left.
- Got it.

- All the way to the rear.
- Got it.

And I'll wait for you in the car
till you're finished.
