Cooley High

What the hell
you want here, honky?

I'm looking... Is Louise here?
There's no goddamn Louise
live here, honky.

My money.
I've been screwed!
To spend the night with you
- I'm no good
- I'm no good

- For you
- For you

But what can I do
- Baby
- Baby

I do so much depend on you
- Pooter, you can't sing no bass.
- Start smokin'.

You tenor.
Tyrone, you be baritone.

Willie, you be bass.
And Preach, stay out of it.

You squares still walkin'?
Check out this luxury, brothers.

- Where'd y'all get this from?
- Don't worry about it.

- This is bad.
- You like it, huh?

Y'all, come on.
- Not me.
- Be cool, man.

- You scared?
- Scared?

Preach, I know you ain't jivin'.
Come on.
Forget them turkeys.
- This is bad, man.
- This is all right.

Yeah, Stone, this is sharp.
It really rides sweet.

- Now I know why everyone digs Cadillacs.
- Watch for the man.

Don't be goin' through
no red lights now.

Don't worry about it.
- Man, let's hear some sounds.
- That's hip with me.
