Cooley High

All we got to do is go down...
All right.
What do you mean?
For the two of you?

- Yeah.
- Fifteen dollars apiece.

Fifteen dollars?
That's a whole lotta money.

Well, you pretty black fine thing you,
you got to pay for what you get.

- Gonna give you the money.
- Give me the money.

Give her the money, man!
- Under arrest.
- You don't look like no cops to me.

That's why they hired us, baby.
'Cause we don't look like cops.

Up against this wall here.
Move it, bitch!
I said, up against the goddamn wall!

Spread eagle!
Split 'em apart!

- What are you doin'?
- Against the wall!

- What are you lookin' for?
- I didn't find it.

You bitches are under arrest
for prostitution.

- Morris, get the squad car.
- Check, Jackson.

Hey, baby, this is my best day.
And y'all gonna make us
lose a whole lotta money.

Baby, you're makin'
my heart bleed for you.

Look, man, come here.
Let me talk to you.

Man, I just got out yesterday.
Give me a break here.

Man, I ain't made up yet.
Come on, give me a break.
Well, uh...
- We take bribes.
- Nigger, how much you want?

- How about ten...
- Twenty dollars.

No, he said ten dollars.
- Ten dollars. Here.
- Shit.

Wait a minute!
The Lone Ranger?

Girl, they tryin' to stick us up!
