Cousin, cousine

Why do people who marry
invite their families?

They have no choice.
- Of course they do.

You're not obliged to come.
- But I like to.

I'm the cousin of the groom.
- I know that.

Uncle Gaston, the cycling champion,
lived with two women.

When one died,
the other one committed suicide.

So he had two funerals on one day.
Stéphane, do you think uncle Eugène
is the daddy of your 2 year old cousin?

Well, he's not. Ask aunt
Marcelle who is.

And now...
- Enough talk. We're going home.

You can talk more in two months,
at Jocelyne's wedding.

I sprained my foot.
Bye, mum.
- Bye, sweetheart.

Have you seen Pascal?
- No.
