Dersu Uzala

What me do?
Kill tiger.
The tiger ran away.
He's unharmed.

No, tiger always run until die.
Now me much frightened.
Don't be afraid, Dersu.
A dead tiger can't harm you.
Kanga will!
He send another tiger!
Kanga is a forest spirit
whom the Goldi worship.

From that day Dersu changed.
He became morose and irritabIe.
What you do?
That sign say no ginseng here.
You break.
People search for ginseng,
all for nothing.

Bad man are you.
So he just jumped in the river
in all his clothes. He was drunk.

In all his clothes!
And I had an adventure--
Why throw meat into fire?
Meat throw into fire, lose.
Tomorrow we go,
other people here come...

see meat, eat.
