Dog Day Afternoon

Come on, let's go.
How'd that happen?
Did I do anything to hurt you?
Did I treat you badly?

I'm on salary. I won't be a hero.
Did you have a plan or what?
What did you do,
barge in on a whim?

Why light a fire?
I told you to get out. . .
. . .when you could,
but you had to hang around.

He don't have a plan.
It's all a whim. Rob a bank!

I had it planned!
Only the money should have
been delivered, not taken away!

That fucking Jack, downtown,
he gave me the wrong information.

What is this Jack supposed to be?
A mastermind or what?

We're all in the barrel together
and we want to get out of it.

All right, I got to have time to think.
I got to think.

Keep away or we'll start throwing bodies
out the door, one at a time. Got that?

Who is this?
Is there a Jenny here?
Who's Jenny here?
That's me.
It's the squirrel.
You got a husband?

Well, he's on the phone.
Go ahead.
What could I tell him?
I don't know, whatever.
Tell him the truth.

What a fucking comedy!
W-N-E-W plays all the hits.

Listen. Don 't hang up.
-First, is anybody hurt in there?

Keep away or we'll start throwing bodies
out, one at a time. You got that?
