Oh, yes, I will.
Yes, I will.
-Let's go, come on.
-Honey, I've got to go now.
I got to go.
I love you too.
All right, inside here.
I don't know what happened.
Maybe somebody tripped an alarm
or something. I don't know.
But there's a way out of this.
-Were you serious about what you said?
-About what?
About throwing
those bodies out the door?
-That's what I want him to think.
-I want to know what you think.
Because I'll tell you right now,
I'm ready to do it.
Right. Okay.
-I mean it.
-I know.
Listen, everybody.
I know we got a problem here.
But there's a way out of this thing.
I'm telling you.
All you got to do is cooperate with me.
Stay cool,
and we'll get out of this.
Nobody gets hurt if you listen to me.
First, we'll do things a step at a time.
You got to go to the bathroom, right?
She'll get to go to the bathroom.
Everybody who has to go is going.
We'll do things together, okay?
What's the matter with him?
He's got asthma.