You got bank insurance?
You know I do. You seem
to know a lot about bank procedure.
I know a lot of things.
I just want to get you
out of here safe, right?
What if I take you with me?
If you take anybody. . .
. . .please take me.
They'll shoot you, you know?
The cops. . .
. . .don't care about bank insurance.
See what they did in Attica?
42 people killed.
The innocent with the guilty.
I won't take you. I'll take one of
the girls, a married one with kids.
Cops don't like it in the papers when
they shoot a married woman with kids.
You're all right.
You won't fuck with me?
There's the FBI.
How you doing, Sheldon?
Why didn't you wait
and try to take them outside?