Over here.
Over there, right?
We got everything here, okay?
You got the militia here.
Let Sal come look.
What hope have you got?
Quit while you're ahead.
-It's only attempted robbery.
-Armed robbery.
All right, armed, then!
Nobody's been hurt.
Release the hostages. No one
will worry over kidnapping charges.
At the most you'll get 5 years.
You'll get out in 1 .
-Kiss me.
When I'm being fucked,
I like to get kissed on the mouth.
You're a city cop, right?
Bank robbery's a federal offense.
They got me on kidnapping,
armed robbery. They'll bury me.
I won't talk to somebody trying
to con me. Get someone in charge.
I won't talk to some flunky pig
trying to con me. What's he doing?
-Get back!
-Why are they moving in?
Will you get the fuck back there?
Get over there!
Go on back there, man!
He wants to kill me so bad!
-No one's going to kill anybody.
Remember Attica!
Your word don't fucking matter!
Come on, calm down.