They're giving you a snow job.
They told me I was an accessory.
That's just a con job on you.
Don't listen to that.
I have to listen to it.
I can't survive in prison, Sonny.
-You're not going to prison.
-How do you know?
Because I know.
Believe me.
Look, please, just tell them.
Tell them what?
That you didn't do it?
Are they on the phone now?
That's great, Leon.
That's really terrific.
You talk with them on the phone.
Really smart!
-I have no choice!
-What do you mean?
What am I supposed to do? There are
7,000 fucking cops all around me.
-Who's on now?
-Don't lay it on me!
I'm not, but you knew
that was going on, right?
You knew what was happening, right?
I want to know
who's on the phone now.
Moretti, is that you?
Will somebody talk to me?
Somebody going to talk to me or what?
They on now?
They won't talk to you.
He didn't do it, okay?
He had nothing to do with it.
Will you get off the phone?
Are they off?
That really convinced them. They
wanted to know. Did I do it for you?
Yeah, thanks.
Thank you very much.
So now what?
What are you going to do?
I thought. . .
. . .that I would
go back to the hospital.
They're really nice there. They
seem like they're trying to help me.
That's good, then.
You found something.
I don't know if I have or not.
Are you still
going to have the operation?
So then, what am I
supposed to say to you?