You know something?
You hurt me.
You hurt me, you know that?
Can you imagine, marrying another man?
Did I ever do anything
to make you do that?
Did I ever turn you down or anything?
I know I let myself get fat.
-Don't call yourself fat.
-You can't stand me to say it.
Like I can't stand you being
a bank robber. That's what love is.
Yeah? You know what love is?
If you know what love is so much,
why didn't you come down here?
Talk to me about love,
go ahead.
Sonny, I'm scared.
I'm scared. Are they
going to shoot me or something?
No, they're not!
You should see it on the TV.
They got cannons, machine guns.
They're after me, Angie, not you.
It's late already
by the time I find out. . .
...it's just you and Sal. I can't get
a babysitter! What'll I do?
I think I better take him back
for a cardiac check.
What's the matter?
He going to die or what?
It's just a precautionary measure.
It's awfully warm in here.