Du bi quan wang da po xue di zi

That's all I will show you today.
If you've patience and endurance,
you can be as good as me.

Keep on practicing! Yes!
Good news! Good news!
What's all the excitement about?
The Eagle Claws school is
holding a tournament!

No restrictions for age or area!
Great! Then let's enter.
Teacher, are you going to enter?
Teacher, if you enter you're bound to win!
Everyone knows of
the One Armed Boxer.

Show them your kung fu
and we shall share in your victory.
Right! Yes, please go!
We study kung fu for spiritual health,
not to gain fame or fortune.

Besides, we have our own objectives.
The Ching government is
on the lookout for us.

I hope none of you will risk entering.
There will be many experts.
We could learn from them!

Please, let's go!
