Faustrecht der Freiheit

You'll learn it in time.
How about turtle soup?
Turtle soup?
I'd rather have noodle soup.
Very well,
a consommé with noodles.

Then maybe a rôti de veau
avec asperges et petits pois...

or un épaule de mouton
aux haricots verts...

avec des pommes de terre

Yeah, the second.
Shoulder of mutton,
beans and potatoes?

- Excuse me!
- That's OK, sir.

And for dessert...
maybe a...
compote de poires...
or a peach Melba?
- Do you have that?
- Yes, sir.

Is that OK?
I'll take a language course
if we eat out more often.

I didn't mean to hurt you.
Things like that
don't bother me.

I know I'm dumb.
- But...
- Sure I am.

In some things, I'm dumb.
Did you collect June bugs
when you were young?

What makes you think
of June bugs?

Don't know.
It just occurred to me.

I used to collect them.
I'd put them in cigar boxes
with a lettuce leaf.

Recently, I met someone
who told me...

you could get money for them
from the city council.

I had no idea.
Oh, come on! We all did that:
10 pence each.

Everyone knows that.
Say, can you do this?
- Stop fooling around!
- I can do it with both hands.

Stop it! People are looking.
What a charming family reunion!
