Suddenly you don't want to.
Of course you're jealous.
You'd like me to be.
Is it possible for you to come
with us into the hotel?
Sometimes it is, sometimes not.
What did he say?
It's possible sometimes.
Do you think he's well hung?
Am I clairvoyant?
Must I ask him that, too?
Do you want
to buy a pig in a poke?
And afterwards I'll be to blame.
When have I ever said
you're to blame?
You have the gift of the gab and
can always make me look small.
Why are we quarreling
over a camel-driver?
What name you?
You good? With prick? Here?
Are you any wiser now?
I've yet to meet a guy
who admits to a small prick...
An idiocy!
- You're from Marrakesh?
- From Marrakesh now.
My father's from Tisnit.
Judging by his nose and hands,
he must be well hung.
Marry him if you like!
I don't mind.
What an idiot you are!
If I pay now...
he'll see all our money.
- Should I send him to the john?
- What should I do?
Just pay! If he mugs us,
it's our own fault.
I'm going to the men's room.