Want me to offer him a candy bar?
That's an idea.
Roblin? Borniche here.
Could I have Buisson's file?
Emile Buisson.
Thanks, I'll send Darros.
So, it's a deal.
A deal?
I didn't agree to anything.
If you don't agree,
I'll make sure it gets around
that you inform for Clot.
You must take me for a bitch.
That's why I'm giving you
my phone number.
I'm a pervert.
I love bitches.
My bar, can I open it?
Of course.
If a certain Buisson ever stops by
for a drink, give me a call.
Buisson? Are you crazy?
You know him?
Seen him around,
like lots of others.
Thought he was still in the can.
He got out
on good behavior.