- H-Y ?
- Yeah.
She and Marjorie don't believe
in wearing girdles.
I haven't worn a girdle
since I was 1 2 years old.
- Here you are.
- Mother has certain ideas about, uh--
- I certainly have certain ideas
about living a long time.
-About clothes.
- That's what I got ideas about.
-[ Door Closes ]
It's very hard to live nowadays.
Living is very difficult.
''The Libra husband
is not an easy man to please.
''The monotony of domesticity
is not to his liking,
but he is a passionate man
and a respecter of tradition.''
All I have to do
is find this Libra man.
''The Libra husband is reasonable.
'' He is a born judge,
''and no other zodiacal type...
''can... order his life...
with so much wisdom.''
My God !
That's all I need-- order.
That's all I need--
an ordered life.
You know, a manager.
But he's got to be a Libran.
[ Man ]
Yeah ?
- That sounds likeJerry.
- Oh, is thatJerry ?
For goodness sakes.
-[ Edie Laughing ]
- What are you doing ?
Jerry, you're
Aquarius, aren't you ?
That's what I saw
when I met you;Jerry.
- Remember I said the Marble Faun;
and it was terrible.
- Yeah.
Terrible, the tragedy
connected with the Marble Faun.
- You know, I callJerry
''the Marble Faun.''
- Nathaniel Hawthorne.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Do you have
that book here, Edie ?
I haven't been able
to find it.
If you run across it,
I'd like to read it.