I liked it better
than anything I ever did.
- I can't find it, Mother.
- Well;you could let me help you.
- Let me--
- Listen, kid.
I'm extremely organized.
I know exactly where
to look for this stuff.
I've got it under control
right here, but I can't find it.
Get it ?
Well; bring in the--
bring in the orchestration...
of''Tea for Two. ''
I can't do it.
My feet hurt.
Just try; babe.
They're beautiful.
I have to get my voice exactly back
the way it was when I was 45 years old.
- You can't; Mother darling.
- Oh, yes, I can. Oh, yes !
-Something happens; face it.
- I never strained my voice
ever in my life.
- Oh; but I strain my voice
from yelling and screaming.
- I've never smoked cigarettes.
- What is the matter with me ?
I could never speak again.
- Oh, no.
Why; I can get it back
in about a month;just about.
You know; good hard work.
When we are together
together, hmmm
Gould and Mother
made this record in 1 934.
-Sing it; babe. Just sing it.
- He was Mother's accompanist.
We belong together
We're happy together
And life is a song
When we are together
We know we are where we belong
When we are together
-Like birds of a feather
- Of a feather
- Together we thrive
- Together we thrive
- Little caring whether
-Little caring whether
- The rest of the world--
- The rest of the world--
-[ Record Sticks ]
- Oh, my heart, what happened ?
- That's pretty, that note.
- Terrific.
Oh, that's terrible.