Grey Gardens

I was 1 7.
-[ David ] Edie; that's so beautiful.
- Mr. Wainwright did that.

He was an artist from a very good
family. He was in the social register.

He did it in the solarium
of Grey Gardens.

David; look at this.
I was in a fashion show.

-[ Laughs ]
-[ Mrs. Beale ] Let me see that.

[ Albert ]
Oh; beautiful. Look at that; David.

-[ Mrs. Beale ] May I see that ?
- Wow! Look at that.

[ Edie ] I thought I was
the cat's pajamas in that!

[ Mrs. Beale ] You did; Edie. See how
pretty Edie was when she was young ?

It's perfectly foolish of her
not to look that way now.

She could;you know; if she
didn't worry about everything.

Didn't she look like a girl
that had everything ? Huh ?

[ Edie ]
This has inspired me.

I'll have to get another
brown tailored suit and grow my hair.

My God; I have no hair.
[ Mrs. Beale ] You never put any
lipstick on for this picture; did you ?

- I have another kind on.
- You look horrible.

Why didn't you put
lipstick and makeup on ?

[ Edie ] Mr. Beale smashed
the window of Burt Bacharach...

when he put this in the window
on upper Madison Avenue.

-[ Mrs. Beale ] For God's sakes.
- He offered me a job.

He didn't say to get out
of that family situation;

but he said;
''You need a job; Miss Beale. ''

[ David ] Didn't you expect that Edie
might get married someday?

[ Mrs. Beale ]
Oh; I did. I wanted her to.

Oh; I picked out some nice men.
She didn't like the men I picked out.

[ Edie ]
They were horrible.

[ Mrs. Beale ] She could have married
this Gerald Getty.

He was a millionaire;:
he gave her a gorgeous ring.

She decided not to marry that guy.
She had to give the ring back.

She has a proposal of marriage
from Paul Getty.

Remember Paul;
the richest man in the world?

[ Edie ]
He married Teddy Lynch.

[ Mrs. Beale ] Then you could
have marriedJordan McClanahan.

He was another millionaire;
and he wanted to marry you.

She just didn't want to get married.
That's all blamed on me.

[ Edie ]
No; I never fell in love until I was 3 1.

[ Mrs. Beale ] Well; how old
are you in these pictures ?

- Twenty-four.
- Twenty-four. That old?
