Grey Gardens

She made me leave the Barbizon.
Well; I thought you'd been
in New York long enough.

- You were getting lines in your face.
- But I didn't want to leave.

- I was getting my big chance.
- Oh; no;you were not.

That married man was not going
to give you any chance at all.

- I was getting my audition in 1 952 !
- You were not.

- I was going to get it !
- Well;you didn't get it.
You missed out.

I was just getting up
what you call a little nerve.

Now, listen, you're wasting that thing
on this, 'cause it's just nuts.

- When she said I had to come home.
- I thought you should come home.

-She started high-pressuring me
to come back in March of 1 952;
- It was time after 25 years.

and she kept it up
until the end ofJuly.

- And July 29th,
I check out, got on the train,
- Well;you should come down.

- came back,
and was never able to get back.
- It's very hot in New York.

It's very hot in New York
onJuly 29th.

[ Meowing ]
[ Mrs. Beale ] ''You and the Night
and the Music. '' It's beautiful.

- Do you know that one ?
You do know it ?
- Mm-hmm. Sure.

Do you really ?
Sing it for me. Sing it.

The night was young
and you're so beautiful

No. ''You and the Night and the Music.''
Sing that song.

- I don't know that.
I thought you meant--
- You thought you did.

-[ Albert ]
You and the night and the music
- He knows it.

- Go on.
- I don't know the rest of it.

'' Fill me with flaming desire.''
The words are wonderful.
Love like yours and mine
Is a glowing thrill
Of sparkling wine
Make the most of time
Ere it has flown
You and the night and the music
Thrill me with flaming desire
Setting my being
